Luna Park: A Film by Luciana Botelho

Paris filmmaker Luciana Botelho travels and films her love of light and color. In this one, filmed in Lausanne, Switzerland, she turns carnival rides into a celebration of exploding light and pattern that seem to exist in their own realm apart from reality. Her interests seem to lie in the unnoticed beauty of everyday environments. Her camera observes with that sly calm that I admire in any artist. She steals moments of beauty from the unaware because they do not own the moments – she does.

Carl G. Jung or Lapis Philosphorum

This film was shot in 1950 by Jerome Hill. It was then edited by underground film pioneer Jonas Mekas in 1991. It shows Carl Jung talking and stone carving at his home by a lake. He’s working at things he liked to do and he’s describing something rather elusive. I think Jung’s great contribution was in not fearing the deep subconscious, but rather enjoying it and opening the door to let it in.

Here’s my own take on how you open the door just like Jung did… sort of.