The Hunt for Gollum: Excellent LOTR Fan Film

huntforgollumThe Hunt for Gollum is a 40-minute fan-made film that is available for free online viewing. The film was made through open collaboration of enthusiastic fans working under the leadership of director Chris Bouchard.  I’ve just finished watching it and can report that it is a wonderful success that tells its story with the perfect touch of mystery, action, and romance.  It captures the look of the Peter Jackson trilogy expertly and incorporates highly professional costuming, makeup, photography, script writing, and acting.  I think the producers of the LOTR trilogy should include this film when they release the eventual DVD of the upcoming film of The Hobbit.  Perhaps this is the best fan film ever made.  It probably is.  I have not seen all the available fan films, but it is difficult to imagine that anyone has made a better one.  Watch the film and then think about the fact that it was made for under $5,000.

The Hunt for Gollum: Lord of the Rings Fan Film

The Hunt for Gollum is a 40-minute fan-made film that will be available for free downloading on May 3, 2009.  The film was made through open collaboration of enthusiastic fans working under the leadership of director Chris Bouchard.  The all-volunteer production looks so much like a Peter Jackson LOTR movie that it’s almost scary.  One wonders why all the big budget money was spent if the films could have been produced by this crew of hard-working talented volunteers!  This film looks like it’s going to be a serious lot of fun and will be a great addition to the LOTR world for its fans.