Luna Park: A Film by Luciana Botelho

Paris filmmaker Luciana Botelho travels and films her love of light and color. In this one, filmed in Lausanne, Switzerland, she turns carnival rides into a celebration of exploding light and pattern that seem to exist in their own realm apart from reality. Her interests seem to lie in the unnoticed beauty of everyday environments. Her camera observes with that sly calm that I admire in any artist. She steals moments of beauty from the unaware because they do not own the moments – she does.

Elegìa: A Film by Fred. L’Epee and Dimitra Pouliopoulou

Filmmakers Fred L’Epee and Dimitra Pouliopoulou deal with the emotions of video. Their short films are visual poems in the most real sense. I like the way they flirt with the techniques of celluloid while remaining firmly anchored in video. The two things, rather than cancelling each other, work together to offer a filmmaker more tools for opening eyes and insisting that people fully observe. This kind of film dances between reality and abstraction. The ships are placed so that they traverse a line between light and dark, high and low, space and time.

In the Shadow: A Short Film Noir by Fabrice Mathieu

Written and directed by Fabrice Mathieu, ‘In the Shadow’ is a film noir about the separate lives of shadows.  It is made entirely from existing film noir shadow shots. What happens when a person’s shadow kills its ‘wearer’ and lives its own life? I love all of this film noir stuff with black and white shadows and contrast. The sense of graphic dread is missing from mainstream films today.  This short film is apparently a prequel for a feature length project.

Ménilmontant – 1926 French Film by Dimitri Kirsanoff

The film takes its name from a neighborhood in Paris. It was directed by Dimitri Kirsanoff and is considered to be his greatest work. It moves very quickly, using a montage technique that tells the story without a single intertitle.  It’s a riveting and powerful tale of disillusionment and violence.  The lead actress is wonderful and has some of the best eyes for silent film I’ve ever seen.